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Water on Mars
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The biological life
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The face
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Terraforming and colonization
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Image galleries
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About the red planet
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News on Mars
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Unmanned robotic exploration
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Human exploration
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How to travel through space?
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History of Mars exploration
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Art and fiction
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Books & E-Books
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Music & Audio
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Mars fun
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Organizations, societies, etc.
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pika.gif (54 bytes)pika.gif (54 bytes)pika.gif (54 bytes)

Search about Mars at


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TheMissionToMars.Com is
an Amazon.com associate


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Mars: The Red Planet (DVD)
Mars_The_Red_Planet.jpg (8105 bytes)
Probably the greatest Mars DVD resource currently on the market. Mars Planetary Video, Mars Spacecraft (past and future), Interactive Mars Map - Over 700 detailed maps with zoom in/out and panning, Mars Surface Video and Stills (2D & 3D - 3D glasses included), Mars Moons, Life on Mars, Art Gallery, + additional DVD-ROM Features...

Click here to buy


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Mars - The red planet collection
Mars_The_Red_Planet_Collection.jpg (6905 bytes)
All about the mission to Mars and what might be found there... Life? - Narrated by John Lithgow from The Third Rock From The Sun.

Click here to buy:


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The War of the Worlds (1953)
See also the radio play, the musical remake and the book.

Click here to buy:


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Mission to Mars
Click here to buy:


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Mars Attacks!
Click here to buy:


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2001: A Space Odyssey
Click here to buy:


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see the book
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The Right Stuff
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War Of The Worlds
by Orson Welles, Mercury Theatre On The Air
The (in)famous radio play that put the whole America "in motion"... It was this radio cast of H. G. Wells's story about an invasion from Mars at the dawn of mass media era in 1938 that created mass hysteria and panic never again repeated in history of USA. Whole broadcast is fraught with inventive and for that time horribly realistic radio special effects done by the legendary Orson Welles and his team.

See also the book, the musical remake and the movie.

Click here to buy


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The War Of The Worlds - musical remake
WarOfTheWorlds.gif (7208 bytes)
A cult musical remake of the War Of The Worlds radio play featuring a breathtaking symphonic rock music (including the all-time masterpiece of sci-fi music The Eve Of The War). The vocal part with journalists is performed by the unforgettable Sir Richard Burton.

See also the radio play, the book and the movie.

Click here to buy


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Mission To Mars
by Ennio Morricone
Music From The Motion Picture Soundtrack

[Click here to buy]


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Life on Mars?
by David Bowie
from the album "Hunky Dory"?
[Click here to buy]


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Rise & Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars
by David Bowie
[Click here to buy]


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Space Oddity
by David Bowie
[Click here to buy]


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Venus & Mars
by Paul McCartney
[Click here to buy]


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Dark Side of The Moon
by Pink Floyd
[Click here to buy]


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In association with

Safe Shopping

rdeca_pika.gif (35 bytes)

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Nine Planets: Mars
The largest Solar system online encyclopedia - section Mars
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Planetscapes: Mars
Planetscapes.com introduces planet Mars
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NASA Mars Topic Tracker
Quickly find facts, photos and other information about NASA's Mars missions
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NASA CME: Mars Today
Center for Mars Exploration at NASA tells us where Mars today is
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Mars Daily
Daily fresh news from mars...
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Mars News
What's happening on and around the red planet

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NASA: Mars Exploration Program
US space agency's flagship web page about the Mars Exploration Program
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NASA Center for Mars Exploration
Mars missions, news, information, tools to analyze Mars data...
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NASA: Missions to Mars
Past, present and future missions to Mars
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Mars Global Surveyor (NASA)
Currently ongoing robotic mission to survey the planet Mars from orbit
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Mars Global Surveyor - Mars Orbiter Camera photos
Malin Space Science Systems's MOC photographs
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ESA: Marsexpress
European space agency's 2003 mission to Mars
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JAXA: Mars missions
Japanese space agency JAXA describes its plans to explore space and the planet Mars
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Cornell: Athena Mission to Mars
Cornell university's Mars exploration web presentation
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The Daily Martian Weather Report
What's the weather on mars?
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Mars Geoscience Navigator
The largest searchable database of (raw, unedited) images and other geological data from Mars missions
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You can send your name to the surface of Mars, burned onto a compact disc, with the next NASA's landing mission
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Arctic Research Station
Mars Society's experiment of living in mars-like environment
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Model of a habitat, where first Mars explorers will have to live in
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The Case for Mars
International Conference for the Exploration and Colonization of Mars (>book).

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Scientific American: Bringing Mars to Life
The renown magazine discuses possibilities of colonizing Mars
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Terraforming information pages
What is terraforming, where the word comes from...?
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Astrobiology: Terraforming
SpaceRef.com's feature on astrobiology and terraforming
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The RED, GREEN and BLUE Mars
The most popular scenario of terraforming planet Mars
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The Darian Defrost Calendar
What Mars might look like in a few centuries time
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Mars Project
What will life on terraformed Mars be like?
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Tom Gunn's Planet Mars
Planet Mars from the futurist's perspective
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Destination Mars: Mars Architecture
Architecture students of the National university of Singapore explore possible architectural solutions on the future human inhabited Mars

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NASA Human Space Flight
Official NASA magazine on space flight and transportation (including the International Space Station)
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Boeing: International Space Station
One of the major contractors in construction of the International Space Station Boeing gives us a thorough overview of the whole project.
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NASA: Warp drive... WHEN?
Most resourceful website on possible future propulsion systems for traveling through space - maintained by the NASA BPPP manager Marc G. Millis
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NASA Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Project (BPPP)
NASA's initiative to explore new breakthrough propulsion technologies on the edge of today's science
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The Artemis Project
Maybe we'll fly to Mars from ports on Moon...
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Manned Mission to Mars
Innovative way to send people to Mars

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MSSS: Life on Mars?
Malin Space Science Systems scientist discusses possibilities of finding biological life or its remains on Mars
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FAS: Life on Mars?
Federation of American Scientists is also tracking the search for life on Mars
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NASA: On the Question of the Mars Meteorite
NASA explains controversies and theories on the famous fossil microbe-like features bearing meteorite
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Mars Meteorites
NASA's homepage of the Martian meteorites
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Swapping Rocks
How on earth can a rock come from another planet to Earth just by itself?!
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Meteorite Central
All about meteorites
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Antarctic Search for Meteorites program

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0.gif (42 bytes)
pika.gif (54 bytes)
Buy real Martian and other meteorites on-line!
Leading web retailer of meteorites and fossils. Get your own piece of another world for just a few $ (some even as low as $15!, but some others - of course - also much much more... :)

meteorit.gif (1966 bytes)

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naslov-the_water.gif (288 bytes)

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MSSS MGS MOC: Evidence of lakes and shallow seas
High-res images suggest early mars history is recorded in sedimentary rocks
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MSSS MGS MOC: Recent sources of liquid water on Mars surface
Malin Space Science Systems's Mars Global Surveyor camera takes photos indicating presence of liquid water on Mars surface
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Science Magazine: Liquid Water on Mars
Collection of articles on this hot topic
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The Canyons of Mars, from Silicone Dust Rivers?
An alternative to the water erosion canyons theory

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Cydonia Imperative
An online effort to assess the potential alien artifacts on Mars
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The Face on Mars
MSSS's scientific view of "the face" - from 1995
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MOC Images of Cydonia - 1998
High resolution 1998 Mars Global Surveyor photographs of "the face" and other features in the Cydonia region
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MOC Images of Cydonia - 2000
2000 Mars Global Surveyor photographs of Cydonia
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Jim's personal view of anomalies
Find out about many, many other anomalies, that can - with a little imagination and lots of open-mindedness - be found on the Martian surface
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Mars: A Virtual History of Discovery
From the earliest Mariner and Viking missions to present days
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World Book: Mars - Exploring the Red Planet
World Book editors have compiled an immense collection of articles about the past, present and future Mars explorations
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History of missions to Mars
NASA's summary of all missions (even Russian) since 1962
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NASA: Past missions to Mars
Information about past US Mars missions
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Viking mission to Mars
The famous 70's Viking 1 and Viking 2
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NASA: Mars Climate Orbiter, Mars Polar Lander
MCO/MPL will definitely enter the history books as one of the least successful Mars exploration missions
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Mars Observer
First in the series of past decade's embarrassing failures on Mars
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National Aeronautics & Space Administration - US space agency
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European Space Agency
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National Space Development Agency of Japan
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Russian space agency
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The Mars Society
The largest association of Mars enthusiasts from allover the world
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The Planetary Society
The main global association on planetary science and exploration - publisher of the Mars Underground Newspaper
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Mars Direct
An initiative for manned Mars mission
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Think Mars - The Business of Mars
"Dedicated to making human Mars exploration happen by overcoming the financial, managerial and political barriers that currently exist."
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Space Frontier Foundation
An organization devoted to "opening the space frontier for human settling as soon as possible.
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Mars Academy
A real academy, where students can learn about space mission planning
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NSSDC Photo Gallery
Global views, surface features, controversial features, surface views, satellites...
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Mars Team Online Photo Gallery
Mars, missions and the crucial moments captured in photography
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Missions to Mars - image gallery
Photographs of different space exploration equipment and crafts
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1996-1997 HST Images
Hubble Telescope images of Mars
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The Case for Mars II illustrated
Illustrations of the famous human mars exploration concept
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Mars Images
Mars, Phobos and Deimos
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PDS Mars Explorer for the Armchair Astronaut
Visually Searchable image database
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Kim Stanley Robinson
Author of the famous Red, Green and Blue Mars trilogy, winner of almost all the science fiction awards (Hugo Award, Nebula Award, Asimov Award, etc.)
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The Silver Locusts
A web site, inspired by the famous Ray Bradbury novel The Silver Locusts (also published as The Martian Chronicles)
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Red Planet
An upcoming movie about the first manned mission to Mars
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Mission to Mars
Recent Touchstone Pictures movie
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Mars Attacks!
A great movie parody on Martians
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The astronomical art gallery of Don Dixon
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Mars Exploration Drawings
Artwork by Carter Emmart
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Space Art FTP
Simple but huge FTP gallery of various space art
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Mars 3D Surface Screensaver
Real NASA Mars Global Surveyor data based 3D model of Mars surface, turned into a nifty screen saver
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Mars Embassy
Don't forget the passport!
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Destination Mars
Strange life form detected on Mars! Just what...em, who?! might it be??
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Cats are from Mars!
Yeah, right! So is my girlfriend... :)
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A Mars Valentine
More strange features on the surface... "The face" is just the beginning!
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Martian Couch
It's a... couch!
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Proof of extraterrestrial life on Mars!
Now, just what did Mars Pathfinder really find there...?!
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Even you can help in Search for Extraterrestrial Life!
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0.gif (42 bytes)
0.gif (42 bytes)
pika.gif (54 bytes)
Buy real Martian and other meteorites on-line!
Leading web retailer of meteorites and fossils. Get your own piece of another world for just a few $ (some even as low as $15!, but some others - of course - also much much more... :)
meteorit.gif (1966 bytes)
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pika.gif (54 bytes)pika.gif (54 bytes)pika.gif (54 bytes)





themissiontomars.GIF (568 bytes)





rdeca_pika.gif (35 bytes)

Shop at Countdown Creations!

NASA shirts, jackets, caps, etc.

pika.gif (54 bytes)pika.gif (54 bytes)pika.gif (54 bytes)

naslov-books.gif (207 bytes)

Top 5 Mars related must-read books (nonfiction)

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by Paul Raeburn, National Geographic

mars-ng.jpg (6579 bytes)
A magnificent voyage through the past, present and future of Mars exploration. More than hundred National Geographic quality photographs of the planet's surface (even stereoscopic 3D images - special 3D glasses included), many of them from the 1997 Pathfinder mission.

Click here to buy


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The Case for Mars
by Robert Zubrin with Richard Wagner
The_Case_for_Mars.gif (12104 bytes)
The holly book of (our) Martian generation. The famous daring plan to explore and settle the planet Mars, conceived in the 90s by the astronomical as well as economical genius Robert Zubrin. How to get to Mars now, today, using present technologies and nowadays limited financing and resources. Foreword was written by another interplanetary legend Sir Arthur C. Clarke.

New York Times review

Click here to buy


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MARS 2000

by World Spaceflight News
mars_2000.jpg (5107 bytes)
The ultimate multimedia source on Mars! 12,681 pages, 126 documents, 550 color images, 400 black and white illustrations, and 2400 drawings, schematics, tables and charts, a dozen exclusive reproductions of rare or out-of-print historic NASA documents, an exclusive 450-page catalog of every named feature on Mars...

Click here to buy


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by John Noble Wilford
mars_beckons.jpg (6943 bytes)
Two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning science writer John Noble Wilford looks at the red planet from many different perspectives; history, myth, politics, high technology, future of man kind, etc., and discusses what it might bring into our everyday life in the near future.

New York Times review

Click here to buy


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The Case for the Face
by Stanley V. McDaniel (Editor), Monica Rix Paxson (Editor)
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In this book the evidence for alien artifacts on Mars is examined by renown scientists. Although our world is mainly populated with believers or disbelievers, there are also scientists. They are supposed to look at things with scientific approaches, drawing conclusions only on basis of hard evidence and logical thinking. So, what do they say about The Face?

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Selection of other best-selling Mars nonfiction

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Mission To Mars
by Michael Collins
New York Times review
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Mars : The Nasa Mission Reports
by Robert Godwin
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The Monuments of Mars
by Richard C. Hoagland
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The Monkey & the Tetrahedron
by David M. Jinks
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Top 5 Mars related must-read books

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The "RGB" trilogy:
Red Mars,
Green Mars,
Blue Mars

by Kim S. Robinson
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An epic story about exploration, terraforming and colonization of the planet Mars. Undoubtedly the first candidate for the all-times best and most popular fiction book about the red planet. Winner of the eminent sci-fi literature awards Hugo and Locus.

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Martian Tales
by Edgar R. Burroughs
E. R. Burroughs, father of legendary Tarzan, is also known for being unquestionably the most fruitful writer about the planet Mars.

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The War of the Worlds
by H. G. Wells
See also the radio play, the musical remake and the movie
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The Martian Chronicles
by Ray Bradbury
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by Carl Sagan
New York Times review
see the movie
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Selection of awarded Mars SF

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Moving Mars
by Greg Bear

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Last Summer at Mars Hill
by Elizabeth Hand
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The Martian Child
by David Gerrold
(Hugo, Nebula, Locus)
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Selection of best-selling Mars fiction

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The Road to Mars
by Eric Idle of Monty Python's Flying Circus
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AELITA Or The Decline of Mars
by Alexei Tolstoi
New York Times review
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The Martian Race
by Gregory Benford
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Martian Time-Slip
by Philip K. Dick
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Semper Mars
by Ian Douglas
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by Ben Bova
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The Martians
by Kim S. Robinson
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White Mars
by B.Aldiss, R.Penrosee
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